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Showing posts from June, 2024

Limiting Beliefs: How Do They Hinder Our Growth

    One of the biggest hurdles for my clients to overcome is the lack of confidence due to the limiting beliefs that are heavily rooted in their minds. I say in their minds because that is essentially the issue in its entirety.  It is all a specific mindset that has evolved overtime.  The seeds are planted early (sometimes in young childhood) once people are able to connect actions and thoughts into their own perspectives and beliefs.  People are told what they can or can't do.  If their thoughts are against their own cultural norms then they are told to think differently and change who they want to be or do.  This is all part of the domestication process and it has been going on since the beginning of time.  Regardless of one's beliefs there has always been a certain "way' to be, do, and act.  The freedom to think outside the box has never really been encouraged unless it is for the greater good of humanity and can ultimately be controlled....

Commencement: The act of starting out, or blazing a new trail.

    In the spirit of college and high school graduation season I want to explore the ties between commencement ceremonies and life changing perspectives.        I sometimes get clients that are experiencing a new part of their journey. They are moving from one experience to another one. Just as a graduate finishes their studies and is ready to take on the new challenge of using what they have learned over the last few years. There are many emotions associated with this accomplishment. Some feel energized and others feel uneasy and maybe even unsure of where to begin.       The same could be said of those who are transitioning in other parts of their lives. This could be a new job, a new career path. They could be looking for a fresh start due to an ending relationship or even a start of a health journey due to past illness. Either way they are “graduating “ from that life experience and taking what they have learned to use in their ...