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Showing posts from February, 2024

What Motivates You? Knowing Your Key Motivation Style Will Help You Along The Way

    As a life coach one of my goals is to help clients find and develop the best version of themselves. Most of the work is done by the client as they look deep inside themselves to find the answers they seek.  My role is to provide fresh new perspectives and use my own intuition and experiences to help guide them through their specific life journey.  In order to gain a valuable coaching experience one important aspect needs to be known:  What is your motivation ? The answers are plenty as we are motivated by numerous things that we value.  They rank in importance depending where we are currently in life.  The next question is usually never asked , " What is your motivation style ?"  Let me define the six motivation styles first and then we can explore a few of them.     The six motivation styles are: * Intrinsic Motivation : doing something for the love of the activity, or for the internal satisfaction you get from doing it, rathe...

The Importance of Powerful Relationships: What Can We Learn From Them?

    The quality of the relationships around us largely determine our effectiveness and happiness.  If you are in any way a part society and do not live under a rock, it's safe to assume you have an idea of what I am talking about.  Relationships are part of our lives each and everyday.  Some are complex and others might seem inconsequential in nature.  Relationships are evident at home, work, school, your local bank, your neighborhood grocery store, churches or places of community gatherings, and yes - even social media! The latter is the newest type and it cannot be ignored nor minimized as we are consumed by it now more than ever.      For the sake of this blog I'd like to focus on what is known as the "powerful" relationships.  What is the powerful aspect of these relationships?  The answer will vary from person to person as the decision to label it as "powerful" is up to each individual.  I will ask a client during a coachi...

Following Through On Your New Year Resolutions

     How are those new resolutions and goals you set in late 2023 going so far?  Isn't that the $64K question?  That was once one of my biggest struggles and I'm sure many people deal with it year after year.  Why is this so?  Why make promises to yourself in the name of the new year and tied it in to a specific feeling or belief?  The Chronical Online states the origins of the new year resolution below: Believing that Janus could look into the future,  Romans often offered sacrifices to the deity in the promise of a good year . Since then, the holiday and traditions have transformed from promises to the gods to promises to oneself leading to what we know today as New Year's Resolutions. Some types of resolutions:     This concept of starting fresh after 12/31 has been in practice for centuries and is part of our many cultures world wide.  Some are traditional in nature and others have evolved exponentially over time.  The...