How are those new resolutions and goals you set in late 2023 going so far? Isn't that the $64K question? That was once one of my biggest struggles and I'm sure many people deal with it year after year. Why is this so? Why make promises to yourself in the name of the new year and tied it in to a specific feeling or belief? The Chronical Online states the origins of the new year resolution below:
Believing that Janus could look into the future, Romans often offered sacrifices to the deity in the promise of a good year. Since then, the holiday and traditions have transformed from promises to the gods to promises to oneself leading to what we know today as New Year's Resolutions.
Some types of resolutions:
This concept of starting fresh after 12/31 has been in practice for centuries and is part of our many cultures world wide. Some are traditional in nature and others have evolved exponentially over time. The New Year's Eve ball drop in New York city is one of the most coveted celebrations as well as many others around the globe.
So now that my quick history lesson is complete and the meaning of these resolutions has a concept lets get to the meat and potatoes of why people sometimes have a hard time succeeding after the new year. I believe there are a few reasons:
1. We are creatures of habit
2. We like to start things tied to a time frame (Monday, 1st of the month, etc)
3. We tend to wait for things to be "perfect"
4. We are easily influenced now more than ever with social media
5. Our concept of time is linear and the cycle continues over and over
In order to change it up and follow through on our own promises we need to respect those said promises to ourselves and decide that they are important to us and that it will only have an impact on ourselves. How can we make a shift? How about these perspectives to the five reasons above:
1. Break the habit of being yourself (I recommend Joe Dispenza's book 100%, look on Amazon).
2. Start NOW, the most important timeframe is the one you are currently in (read Eckhart Tolle)
3. Nothing is perfect, perfect is a perception and an individuals reality.
4. Reduce your social media intake, pay attention to who you follow and do what you do for YOU.
5. Time in a clock and calendar concept was created ages ago and we always feel we are running out of it. The need to save time is an illusion , the days pass and you age, period. Its simple enough, make your personal changes (resolutions) when you want to. There is no need to tie it in to a timeline.
I coach clients to understand and be open to these concepts and its amazing when they become aware of these simple concepts and perspectives. The pressure subsides and they get to enjoy their decision making process and understand its their choice to make what they want of it. Success is their success first, then it filters out to where it needs to.
Next time when someone asks you about your resolutions you can wholeheartedly say to them "I am 100% on track and also if I want to change something or accomplish anything, I just do it when I feel the need to - at any time on any day!"
Love your Journey.....
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